Color Name Generator

A simple tool to generate color names.

Over 30,000 color names.

Instantly view the color in HEX3, HEX6, HEX8, RGB, HSL, Sass, Less, and CSS variable formats, ideal for any web or design project.

About Color Name Generator

Color Name Generator is a free online tool designed for web designers and developers seeking ideal color names. With a database of over 30,000 color names, this tool simplifies the process of finding the perfect name for your web project.

The Color Name Generator uses a carefully curated list of color names that are supported by all modern web browsers.

This tool is user-friendly. Simply enter values in HEX, RGB, or a supported HTML color name, such as "Brown." The site will then match your selected color to the nearest name from our curated list.

Additionally, you can quickly generate Sass, Less, and CSS variables for your web project.

Feel free to share any feedback or suggestions through the feedback form.